DIY Potting Soil Gives Organic Plants a Big Start
Good Friday is traditionally the time for those who plant "by the signs" in central Mississippi to put seeds in the ground, but for most home gardeners, now is a …

Risky Business at the Nursery
Would-be and weekend gardeners are flocking to stores this time of year with hopes of finding already-started plants to put in their gardens.

A ‘Sound, Sensible’ Organics Program
The National Organic Program must be sensing increasing numbers of small farmers turning away from the USDA's certified organic program.

Grafting Tomatoes ‘The Next Big Thing?’
Southern organic gardeners are discovering what could be The Next Big Thing in tomatoes: grafting.

Antibiotics in Your Organic Apple?
When people think of organics, they think that the food they buy is free from synthetic chemicals of any kind. However, as noted in a recent article in ACRES USA …

What’s the Big Deal With Monsanto?
If you're concerned about the future of organic food and farming, the May 25th March Against Monsanto is a tangible way of expressing your concern.

Big Gardens, Small Farms
This year, a group of individuals and organizations around the state are working together to develop the Mississippi Sustainable Agriculture Network.
Why Live Green
Some scientists are predicting that, due to our negative impact on the ecosystem, waterfront cities such as Boston and New York might disappear in the next century.

FDA May Torpedo Food Movement
As many who follow food and farming news may have heard, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is formulating rules under the Food Safety Modernization Act that could adversely affect …

Love Fresh Berries? Pick Them
This summer, instead of buying your berries from the market or store, opt for a more memorable outing at a U-Pick farm.